October 20, 2011

The Thomas Family | Plainfield IL Family Photographer

I met Zorina and LaVon several years ago when I was still pregnant with my 5th child.  It was the dead of winter, and we were on the hunt for a new place for them to call home.  Ariel was just a tiny little thing and Prince was barely a toddler.

Flash forward 3 years... and I could hardly believe my eyes when the little girl that I had remembered had been replaced by a stunning young lady, and the toddler I had expected to see hop out of the car, had been transformed into a handsome little man.  And as much as some things change, others stay the same... there was me, 7 months pregnant again, just like old times!

The Thomas's have since moved from the area in anticipation of relocating to D.C. where LaVon now works, but they were in town last weekend and caught up with me at Phillips Park in Aurora.  I love this park... AND this beautiful family.  Can't wait until you return back to the Midwest someday!

Ariel and Prince are two of the most stunningly beautiful children I have ever seen: 

For pricing and session information please visit my website at:
or call me at 630-673-6233.

October 9, 2011

The Zapata Family | Plainfield Family Photography

I have a ton of catching up to do!  I've been busy finishing up the sports season with the kids, and booked with TONS of photo sessions so I'm just catching up on some editing... oh this poor neglected blog!

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce you to the beautiful Zapata family.  I met Carrie back in junior high and thanks again to social media was lucky enough to reconnect with her a few years ago.  (gotta love Facebook... even though they won't quit making annoying changes to it every 4 weeks!)

Carrie and her husband Carlos are two of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet.  They are really that nice and that thoughtful.  Even though they were one of the winners of one of my giveaways this spring, they insisted on giving me a very generous gift card to The Cheesecake Factory.  See, they are the most thoughtful couple ever!  (Thanks again Carrie!  Anytime this momma doesn't have to cook is a good night!)

Cameryn, Luke and Mia were so awesome to work with.  They were so well behaved and polite, and they did exactly what I asked them to do.  DREAM clients!  Honestly, you never know what you are going to be up against with the littles. 

So grateful for these beautiful images to add to my portfolio, and so thankful to have Carrie as a friend!

I was being selfish with my October weekends because I wanted to spend it with my family before the weather got too cold, but I do have some openings that just became available.  If you would like to book a family or mini-session before the end of the month, please call me at 630-673-6233. 

I also have a Christmas card photo mini session open house scheduled in my home for November 5th and 6th. Like my Facebook page for all the details to the special promotion! 

Please visit my website at www.JulieFerenziPhotography.com for pricing and package details.